

MobiDetails' migration to the new instance is scheduled for March, 19th, morning. The current instance will first be placed on read-only mode during the switch, which should last a few hours, and which means you will be able to consult already annotated variants but not annotate new ones. A redirection to the new instance will be activated when it is ready. You can already note the new URL (currently unreachable):


Authentication involves cookies, however, they are strictly functional cookies.
By registering, you agree that MobiDetails will store some kind of personal data (username and email address). These data will not be used for any commercial purpose neither be transmitted to any organism. Their usage is strictly restricted to MobiDetails internal operation.
Instructions for each field are provided over the corresponding icons.

Registering currently is useful to keep track of the variants you annotated. It also allows you to mark some variants as favourites, add an ACMG class to variants, contact other users, be contacted if you agree... An account is also mandatory to use the batch variants capabilities of the API. However, for browsing the site, you do not require to log in (except if you are a non-academic user).

Please register using your academic email address if possible (in the email field):